The Cassiopea
mark and the butterfly double-symbology is found in a "terracotta"
figurine (cm 6,5 x 2) recovered in Passo di Corvo (Foggia, Daunia,
South-Italy) the greatest village of European Neolithic period
(Tiné S., 1983).
This statuette, dated 5 300 B.C. - 5 700 B.C., represents a
female figure with half-open eyes, in an altered conscience
condition (contemplation, ecstasy?). The afore-mentioned symbols
are under both breasts. In this statuette in hieratic attitude
(Tiné S., 1983) you can observe like nostrils
are marked by two small holes, one of which preserves red pigment
traces (Tiné S., 1983).

The Tiné suspects
that other parts have been coloured, but he doesn't produce the
consequent hypothesis, and the most coherent in this contest,
that the red pits were the blood that came down from the shamanic
woman's nose while in a trance-like condition (Solomon A.,
An ulterior
confirmation to this hypothesis can be deduced by the Cavillon
Grotto's Tomb excavations, near Grimaldi (Imperia - Ligurian
Riviera) where a statuette has been recovered which is characterized
by an ochre filled furrow (cm 18 long) that departed from
the nose till the mouth (Leroi-Gourhan A.,1970).
Professor Tiné notices butterflies and he recognizes
like the statuette may represent a divinity, perhaps the Mother
Goddess, or that it was consecrated to her, but he assimilates
the zig-zag marks to grass snakes (non poisonous)